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Utterly Unfortunate

It indeed is... I've lost all knowledge of the on-going FIFA World Cup *sigh*. That one week at the leadership training program had me running all over campus trying to pull my life back together over the weekend and on Monday classes resumed and that's that.

I was going to watch the USA vs. Ghana match today with Gabe and MA, but the sudden decision of a professor/friend of mine to drop a 6 credit course F'ED UP EVERYTHING! Well, someone told me they would give 3 credits for it... so I'm glad all the running and straightening things out in the wee hours of the morn helped. But I still missed the match :-( and I was told it was a close-call for Ghana... a 2-1. I guess I'll just catch-up on the re-runs at the gym if I reach home before 9 today.

So yes. It hasn't been easy to communicate with my football fanatic friends. On trying to show-off my knowledge of the basketball game last night, I kept calling NFL as NBA .... and for a while I thought I was right... I guess its best at this point to tune out of the game mode and into something more... follow-able.

And it was BLOODY HOT TODAY! AND F'ING HUMID TOO! I MEAN WHAT THE HELL?? It was a lovely 75-80 yesterday, and today... a 92. There have been hotter days this month, but this continued from 8am until now (now there's thunder and a "chance of thundershowers"). I guess this goes back to Moi's post of 21/22 being the longest day of the year... and the HOTTEST no doubt. Just walking around campus made me tired, like I'd been walking for miles and miles.

Wow, its raining now. Can you believe that? The weather here changes like that *snap*. It'll be fun running from here to Calc class...

Wow, looks like summer classes are on your mind more than you want them to be... how on eartth can someone cancel a 6cr class one week into the term?! Hope it sorted out for you... 9pm?!?! Oh man that is insane haha. I could never pull off night classes...

ahhh FIFA... you know I never followed soccer until you dragged me to the first match. I swear, I still prefer ice hockey and swimming haha. Back at home everyoine agrees too ;-) although I miss your smiling face around... :-)

no kidding Miles... you know I wouldn't give a second thought if given the option of going to Cali :P and quit making ppl who KNOW the game look like idiots haha (in fact, they could be if they really don't know what FIFA stands for... jocks! jk)

Cross! you don't call/email, but comment on my BLOG?!?!?! ffs! I miss ya, its good to know you're having a great time back home :) and the 6 credit hour course fell through hehe it was an error in report or something. And night classes rock! Except for the fact I'm drained by the time I get home... but I prefer sleeping in early and waking early, rather than the opposite (I know, surprising huh). muah! keep me updated abt your fantabulous life!

its raining here too! :)))

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